Hey! I am the Cuspera AI Advisor.
Discover the right software that has proven track record for your specific marketing or sales needs.
You can start by describing your business needs using keywords, prioritize them based on peer and expert insights and take away a personalized software recommendation report in just a few minutes
Our AI is trained on insights from peers and experts to guide you to the right software
Largest knowledgebase on MarTech & SalesTech.
40 Million+
reviews & blogs,
1 Million+
vendor customer stories,
4 Million+
business manager searches.
Matches the right software to your business priorities. Recommends best practises from peer and expert experiences.
These guides help you understand how peers and expert went about buying software for their specific needs. You can read their insights, their recommendations and step-by-step buying instructions.
Start with any keyword that describes your software need:
I assist 50,000+ business managers every month to discover the right software for their marketing & sales needs.