Overview: Gravity Forms and Logiforms as Mobile Marketing Category solutions.

Gravity Forms and Logiforms offer distinct solutions within the Mobile Marketing category, tailored to different operational needs and business objectives. Gravity Forms excels in facilitating communication management and offers a wide range of integrations, making it ideal for enterprises seeking robust analytics and data management tools. In contrast, Logiforms is well-suited for document-intensive processes, offering strong workflow and document management capabilities, appealing to large enterprises in the software industry looking to improve sales and engagement. Both products provide comprehensive support tailored to their complexity and user requirements.

Gravity Forms and Logiforms: Best Use cases based on the customer satisfaction data

Key Capabilities Supported

Gravity Forms supports communication management and sending & publishing communications effectively, which resonates well with users needing to manage complex contact lists and workflows. read more →

Logiforms excels in workflow management and sales document handling, with capabilities for digital signatures and proposal management, making it ideal for process-driven environments. read more →

Business Goals

Gravity Forms focuses on acquiring customers and minor sales revenue goals, aligning well with businesses looking to enhance communication rather than aggressively expand market share. read more →

Logiforms emphasizes acquiring customers and enhancing relationships, supporting strategic growth initiatives and international market entry goals effectively. read more →

Core Features

Gravity Forms offers standout features like extensive integration options and custom reports, meeting needs for data import/export and security for IT and services industries. read more →

Logiforms delivers robust features in data export, compliance, and custom reporting, complemented by AI-powered options that cater to the software sector's requirement for security. read more →

Vendor Support

Gravity Forms provides chat, email, and comprehensive 24/7 support, aligning with the operational needs of large enterprises seeking reliable assistance. read more →

Logiforms offers 24/7 support with limited chat and email options, catering to large enterprises that require consistent support due to complex workflows. read more →

Segments and Industries

Gravity Forms commonly serves enterprises in IT and sports sectors, addressing broader communication and management challenges. read more →

Logiforms is primarily used by large enterprises in the computer software industry, reflecting its suitability for sectors relying on precise document management. read more →

Operational Alignment

Gravity Forms integrates smoothly into enterprise workflows, supporting operations through email and user-generated content management. read more →

Logiforms fits into environments requiring extensive documentation and robust workflow processes, aided by engagement through email and mobile channels. read more →


Applying your context and needs changes the comparison

Failure Risk Guidance?

Low Medium High
Low Medium High

Compliance Risk





Security & Privacy Risk





Integration Risk





Migration Risk





Most deployed common Use Cases for Gravity Forms and Logiforms

How does Gravity Forms and Logiforms facilitate Workflow Management?

Why is Gravity Forms and Logiforms the best choice for Engagement Management?

Logiforms in Action: Unique Use Cases

What benefits does Logiforms offer for Sales Document Management?

How can Logiforms optimize your Order Management Workflow?

How does Logiforms facilitate Communication Management?

Business Setting

Gravity Forms
