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Top 8 BASCRM Alternatives


Feedback Management tool for easy customer data collection and processing


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Feedback Management tool for easy customer data collection and processing

EmailMeForm is a feedback management tool that helps with free online form builder and survey creator for easy customer data collection and processing with evolving regulatory policies like PCI, GDPR, and HIPAA and conduct day-to-day operations faster and easier. It helps to acquire customers and enhance customer relationships. ...

EmailMeForm provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help the process transactions, collaborate with the team better, and conduct business in compliance with global security standards, power workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and increase productivity.

Some of its features include drag and drop interface, diverse fields selection, multiple file upload, notification and autoresponder settings, multipage solutions, online payments, global compliance and many more.

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SUMO Scheduler Platform

Powering Customer Engagement with Seamless Scheduling


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SUMO Scheduler Platform

Powering Customer Engagement with Seamless Scheduling

ConnectWise Control

Remote Support That Just Works | ConnectWise Control


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ConnectWise Control

Remote Support That Just Works | ConnectWise Control

ConnectWise Control is a remote desktop software that provides secure and reliable remote control that support to tackle any issue that comes on the way, no matter anytime and anywhere the clients are located. It helps to acquire customers, enhance customer relationships and increase sales and revenue. ...

It’s full remote control capabilities supports the help-desk style services, delivering on-demand remote issue resolution anytime, anywhere. Also, its unattended access and device management capabilities help to provide superior service delivery without disrupting the end-user.

ConnectWise Control features include remote unattended access, maximize compatibility providing excellent support for techs and customers, incorporate control into the existing web presence, easily manage machines setting up endpoint monitoring and alerts and more.

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ConnectWise Suite

ConnectWise Business Suite for Technology Professionals


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ConnectWise Suite

ConnectWise Business Suite for Technology Professionals

ConnectWise Suite is a Business Management Software that enables to create efficiencies in all areas of business by delivering the products and services needed and providing a complete view of every aspect of business from a single platform. ...

ConnectWise Suite offers speed and performance, endless scalability and service delivery flexibility, access to the industry’s largest third-party ecosystem, and data unification to offer unmatched insight into business, clients, and services. It allows us to release smaller updates quickly and frequently to minimize sweeping changes across the platform.

ConnectWise Suite features include running a business more efficiently, strengthening sales and marketing, embracing the digital transformation, streamline client support, simplify finance and billing, resolve technical issues, recover critical data in no time, reinforce cybersecurity defense, and more.

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LogMeIn Central

LogMeIn Remote Access | Secure Remote Desktop Software


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LogMeIn Central

LogMeIn Remote Access | Secure Remote Desktop Software


Proposal Software - Proposify


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Proposal Software - Proposify

Proposify is a proposal software suitable for web design and marketing companies of all sizes. Its web platform that effectively streamlines the proposal writing process by addressing the usual issues that come with devising and writing proposals. It helps modern sales teams create, send, track, and e-sign winning proposals, contracts, and agreements. ...

Proposify delivers a quick and easy way to monitor and manage proposals, work closely with teams, and make custom-designed, reusable templates so proposals can be quickly made with spending time discovering content. All proposals can be fully white-labeled, may include interactive elements and are compatible with mobile devices.

Proposify features include Metrics and notification, Interactive quoting, Content library, Electronic signature, Custom fields and variables, Client input forms, Editors, Videos, Salesforce, Languages and more.

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Business Hangouts

The Leading G-Suite Meeting & Video Conferencing Platform


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Business Hangouts

The Leading G-Suite Meeting & Video Conferencing Platform

Business Hangouts is a webinar platform. It's an all-in-one app to produce business and corporate webinars, online meetings, web conferences, video conferences, and virtual events. It helps to improve internal communications, increase sales and revenue, and acquire customers. ...

Business Hangouts supports host meetings on-demand, whenever and wherever needed, easily record meetings, share videos and documents, and so on. It provides the tools to easily customize the events to match the company branding/identity. It also helps with moderated chats, setup pre-built event email sequences, instantly stream to Facebook and YouTube, and more.

Some of its features include easy and quick customizing event signup pages, set private and public events, record events as private or public YouTube videos, screen sharing, G Suite integrated, and much more.

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Onstream Webinars

Online communications platform that offers professional-grade functionality


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Onstream Webinars

Online communications platform that offers professional-grade functionality

Onstream Webinar is an online communications platform providing cost-effective webinar solutions, for training events, corporate meetings, lead generation events, product launches and more. It can be used by businesses of all sizes across industries such as Education, Health Sciences, Technology, Media & Entertainment and Government. ...

The software is a cloud-based platform built with enterprise grade security, is scalable and accessible across various devices. It also provides a team of professionals for complex events that would require assistance with creation and management of the entire event.

It has an intuitive interface, is web-based and does not require software downloads or installation procedures. It allows sharing of video-clips, whiteboard and documents with participants. The software also supports recording of the session, and distribution of follow-up communications.

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