Nrby Overview

Nrby has developed a dynamic location intelligence platform that makes location data actionable. Organizations are empowered to improve efficiency and make location-intelligent decisions quickly.

Use Cases

Customers recommend Workflow Management, Collaboration, Measuring Customer Satisfaction, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Nrby.

Other use cases:

  • Knowledge Management
  • Measuring Net Promoter Score
  • Training & Onboarding
  • Contract Management
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Nrby Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data

Nrby works with different mediums / channels such as Mobile. Offline. On Premises etc.

Nrby's features include Feedback Surveys, and Alerts: Popups & Notifications. and Nrby support capabilities include 24/7 Support, Phone Support, AI Powered, etc. also Nrby analytics capabilities include Custom Reports, and Analytics.


"...Since deploying NRBY we have been able to optimize the data collection work flow for OSP teams...." Peer review by Verified Reviewer, Internet

Nrby, belong to a category of solutions that help Field Service Management. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Popular Business Setting

for Nrby

Top Industries

  • Utilities
  • Telecommunications
  • Internet

Popular in

  • Mid Market
  • Enterprise
  • Large Enterprise

Nrby is popular in Utilities, Telecommunications, and Internet and is widely used by Mid Market, Enterprise, and Large Enterprise.

Comprehensive Insights on Nrby Use Cases

How can Nrby enhance your Workflow Management process?

What Are the key features of Nrby for Collaboration?

How does Nrby facilitate Measuring Customer Satisfaction?

4+ more Business Use Cases

11 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Nrby solved their Field Service Management needs. Cuspera uses 153 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific Field Service Management needs.

Nrby Features

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Custom Reports

4.13/5 ★

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3.67/5 ★

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Custom Reports

4.13/5 ★

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3.67/5 ★

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Software Failure Risk Guidance


for Nrby

Top Failure Risks for Nrby

Nrby Feeds

Technology Innovation – Fuel for Your Future Customer Experience Design

As a member of the Cable community and a former executive for one of Cable’s key vendors, I’m interested in what my colleagues and neighbors think about cable. The topic comes up often in casual communications as people often ask, “what do you do for a living ?� My experience with their reactions over the years when I tell people I work in the cable tv industry has always been less than satisfactory. Its seems people still have the movie “The Cable Guy� as their base perception of the industry so they immediately launch into some topic or issue to highlight their dissatisfaction; Increasing service costs, clunky equipment, unprofessional service technicians, placed on hold and transferred too many times without proper problem resolution…the list goes on.

The bottom line, there is a real or perceived dissatisfaction with the industry as a whole. We all know the great strides cable is making using technology to innovate the customer experience design and increasing the overall customer experience. The acid test remains, will a random consumer have something positive to say about the industry. This random consumer has been hard to find in my experience but recently I’ve had one person give glowing positive reviews about the voice recognition feature in their remote. I won’t name the cable provider, but this feature is a great example of adding a straightforward technology in an easy to use and understood manner. There are other examples in this vein not offered by cable such as real time signal quality monitoring and offering refunds for poor video quality. At least one popular streaming service has this feature and I am always pleasantly surprised when the provider sees the issue and informs you before you call.

The ability to pro-actively ensure a satisfactory customer experience will lead to deep customer loyalty and increases in Net Promoter Scores, a measure most operators pay attention to. Pro-actively monitoring and fixing issues such as modems out of spec is key to increased customer satisfaction, reduced trouble calls, and reduced truck rolls. Giving field service personnel the ability and authority to be pro-active is a small step that pays off with happier customers and increased productivity.

20/02/2024 - source

The Future of Field Service Management Begins with Technician Empowerment

I remember one of my first meetings with a cable operator in which we were discussing the merits of technician empowerment and enabling field technician to self-select daily jobs. The reaction from the operator was visceral: “Why would I trust the field guys to do the right thing – they are last ones I trust!�

A lot has changed since that early meeting. The world has become more decentralized. Businesses and organization have flattened their hierarchies. New enterprise collaboration tools are eliminating organizational silos. In essence there has been a dramatic shift of power and control with more transparency of information. Information transparency builds trust within and between organizations. Trust enables people and organizations to achieve more.

Yet, many field operations teams operate in silos, with a chain of command hierarchy and communications process between functional groups. Essentially, the day to day activity of a field technician is very linear, with a sequential schedule controlled by dispatch and ticketing. Over shadowing this day to day activity is a lack of trust in some organizations, which has led to a process burdened with sequential checkpoints and a strict dispatch-controlled work-day. But there is a chicken and egg dilemma trying to migrate to an open and more transparent trusted environment. Without the proper tools and mindset, achieving trust can be elusive and almost impossible.



The first step is empowerment of the field service management technicians. Empowerment achieves several things: First, it puts more ownership and control into the hands of the technician. More ownership and control by the technician results in better quality and better decision making by the technician. Better quality and decision-making improves productivity and business metrics. Improved business metrics can lead to more empowerment and a continuous cycle of improvement.

There are many ways to empower technicians – with tools, with ownership, with measurability, and with accountability. To me, the biggest way is with teams – being a willing participant of a team with clearly defined goals – personal goals and team goals. Teams that have a shared mission can achieve great things. I know this first hand as a serial entrepreneur.


Information Sharing

The next step is information sharing. Information sharing breaks down silos and political boundaries. Information can cross organizational boundaries to improve efficiency, decision-making, communication effectiveness, and speed to problem resolution. All levels of an organization benefit from improved quality and speed of information.

But information has to be purposeful and timely. Who needs to know what, and when do they need it? The beauty with new tools, such as the Nrby Mobile Collaboration Platform, is that it puts information creation and sharing literally in the hands of the field service worker with its mobile app. Technicians can source, update, change status on anything at a location and have it shared in real-time to those that need to know. No phone calls. No telephone tag. No voice mails. And because everything is digital, it can be distributed at near-zero cost,  is viewable on a variety of platforms, and can be stored “forever� for audit history and analytics. 



The final step is trust. Trust is not something that can be measured. However, its effectiveness can be measured. Business metrics. Team productivity. Employee satisfaction.

Trust is an intangible that really cannot be measured on its own. I imagine that all of us have experienced work environments or professional relationships built on trust and what a game-changer that can be. Conversely, a work environment filled with mis-trust can is like a cancer – while it may not be visible, it can wreak havoc in the workplace.

fiber optics tracking software


The Future is Now

Field Service Management teams now expect a more decentralized, autonomous team structure, with transparent information sharing in real-time.

Fortunately, new mobile apps, like Nrby, will accelerate a shift into the future of field service management operations: More empowerment by technicians, more transparency of information, and ultimately, as a result, more trust within field teams and within the organization.

20/02/2024 - source

COVID-19 and the New Normal

We are in unprecedented times. COVID-19 is disrupting every aspect of our personal and professional lives, forcing us to make trade-offs on both safety and commerce. Personal well-being versus economic well-being. Who lives and who dies is now a function of balancing those tradeoffs. Retracting too much or not enough can result in unintended consequences.

As an early-stage privately-funded startup, we too, live or die by the tradeoffs we make. But in the case of the COVID-19 crisis, no balancing act was necessary. The most valuable asset of any startup is the team. As I like to say there are 5 elements that create value in a startup: 1-Team; 2-Team; 3-Team; 4-Market; 5-Product. A great team can deliver any product into any market. Products and markets can change and a great team adapts.

And nothing is more important than the health and safety of our team and their families.

In early March, well ahead of any state-ordered shut-downs or stay-at-home orders, I mandated that all our employees work remotely for their safety, and that of their loved ones.

Fortunately, Working From Home (WFH) was a simple and seamless transition. We use all cloud-based tools for development, team collaboration, email, customer meet-ups, and business operations. You will not find any desktop or servers sitting in our office (or indeed employees!). The products we develop are a combination of cloud services and mobile apps, distributed electronically. No physical goods. No store-fronts. No face-to-face meetings. Essentially, we operate as a virtual company whether we share an office space or not. We’re fortunate to have that luxury.

Conversely, however, other companies and employees are not so fortunate. First responders and medical professionals have no choice – they cannot work remotely. I myself have sons and daughters on the front-lines so I know all too well the trade-offs they make and the risks they are taking. I remain proud yet at the same time l am personally conflicted.

There are many heroes in this crisis, unseen and unsung – but the ones I am most familiar with are our customers. Their personnel are on the front-lines maintaining critical broadband and Internet service infrastructure. Almost overnight, they had to deal with a huge spike in demand for new installs and service upgrades. And of course, all these remote workers are placing tremendous, unforeseen strains on the collective network.

We want our customers to know that we are here for them, not just during these difficult times, but every other time as well. Our goal is to flatten the curve by digitizing the service provider’s world as much as possible: digitizing paper forms, eliminating the need for in-person document handoffs, reducing the need for service calls to subscriber residences, increasing operational efficiency and more.

This may seem prescient given the state of the world today, especially given the sudden and pressing need to eliminate unnecessary physical contact between people embodied by paperwork, unnecessary in-person interactions and the like, at least until this pandemic has been defeated.

One of the legacies of COVID-19 will be an increased sense of urgency to digitize our lives and business processes; yes, out of convenience and a desire to reduce operational costs, but also due to this sudden and pressing driver: our collective safety. We are proud to play a role in that transformation, and will continue to focus on innovation to make that transformation faster and more seamless than ever before.

20/02/2024 - source

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P.O. Box 4057, Manchester, New Hampshire 03103, US



