Surefyre Overview
Surefyre is configurable underwriting automation software that eliminates manual work. It maximizes efficiency for any P&C MGA, wholesaler, or carrier.
Use Cases
Customers recommend Proposal & Quote Management, Workflow Management, Lead Tracking, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Surefyre.
Business Priorities
Improve Digital And Social Presence and Enhance Customer Relationships are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using Surefyre.
Surefyre Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data
Surefyre works with different mediums / channels such as Phone Calls. and E-Mail.
"Our old portal would take months if not years to push enhancements. Surefyre’s services team scope out every request, evaluate proposed solutions, and offer time saving, essential API integrations. All this comes at a fraction of the cost because th...ey are truly experts in offering a cloud based system that is always adapting to our growing needs. It’s great to work with a team that shares our commitment to customer service and taking out all the mystery from the underwriting." - Ashley Dodge
Surefyre, belong to a category of solutions that help CRM. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.
Popular Business Setting
for Surefyre
Top Industries
- Insurance
- Hospital & Health Care
- Internet
Popular in
- Small Business
- Mid Market
- Enterprise
Surefyre is popular in Insurance, Hospital & Health Care, and Internet and is widely used by Small Business, Mid Market, and Enterprise.
Comprehensive Insights on Surefyre Use Cases
What makes Surefyre ideal for Proposal & Quote Management?
How does Surefyre facilitate Workflow Management?
4+ more Business Use Cases
16 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Surefyre solved their CRM needs. Cuspera uses 114 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific CRM needs.
Customer Testimonials
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Our old portal would take months if not years to push enhancements. Surefyre’s services team scope out every request, evaluate proposed solutions, and offer time saving, essential API integrations. All this comes at a fraction of the cost because they are truly experts in offering a cloud based sys...tem that is always adapting to our growing needs. It’s great to work with a team that shares our commitment to customer service and taking out all the mystery from the underwriting. |
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Surefyre has saved the company time and money. After we moved to Surefyre, we found the system to be faster, more secure and much more flexible than our previous system. Since Surefyre is designed intuitively, it is easier to train new agents on our systems and processes. Testimonial By ANDREW HETZLER |
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After laboring on a proprietary solution for nearly six months we decided to demo Surefyre. What a great decision. Four weeks later Surefyre launched and we began accepting submissions mapped directly to our rating module. The Surefyre team understands the P&C business and can implement solutions q...uickly and effectively. They are a valued partner in the ongoing success and growth of our business. |
![]() Ashley Dodge Marketing Director Bigfoot |
Our old portal would take months if not years to push enhancements. Surefyre’s services team scope out every request, evaluate proposed solutions, and offer time saving, essential API integrations. All this comes at a fraction of the cost because they are truly experts in offering a cloud based sys...tem that is always adapting to our growing needs. It’s great to work with a team that shares our commitment to customer service and taking out all the mystery from the underwriting. |
![]() ANDREW HETZLER COO Amercian Exchange |
Surefyre has saved the company time and money. After we moved to Surefyre, we found the system to be faster, more secure and much more flexible than our previous system. Since Surefyre is designed intuitively, it is easier to train new agents on our systems and processes. Testimonial By ANDREW HETZLER |
![]() Tom Gillingham Managing Director NFP |
After laboring on a proprietary solution for nearly six months we decided to demo Surefyre. What a great decision. Four weeks later Surefyre launched and we began accepting submissions mapped directly to our rating module. The Surefyre team understands the P&C business and can implement solutions q...uickly and effectively. They are a valued partner in the ongoing success and growth of our business. |
Surefyre Features
- Low
- Medium
- High
Custom Reports | Read Reviews (15) |
Custom Reports | Read Reviews (15) |
Software Failure Risk Guidance
?for Surefyre
Top Failure Risks for Surefyre
Vertafore, Inc News
Trucordia Teams Up With Vertafore - - Insurance Edge
Trucordia partners with Vertafore to enhance insurance solutions.
Trucordia ties up with Vertafore to streamline operations - Lifeinsurance International
Trucordia partners with Vertafore to improve their operations.
Trucordia leverages Vertafore as its partner of choice to unify operations - WV News
Trucordia chooses Vertafore as its partner to streamline operations.
Vertafore, Inc Profile
Company Name
Vertafore, Inc
Company Website Location
999 18th St, Denver, CO 80202, US