ZaZaChat Overview
Zazachat can be easily implemented and configured on websites. It enhances customer support by providing real-time communication.
Use Cases
Customers recommend Helpdesk Management, Measuring Customer Satisfaction, Knowledge Management, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using ZaZaChat.
Business Priorities
Acquire Customers and Increase Sales & Revenue are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using ZaZaChat.
ZaZaChat Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data
ZaZaChat works with different mediums / channels such as Website. Chat. and Mobile.
ZaZaChat's features include Ticketing, and Personalization. and ZaZaChat support capabilities include 24/7 Support, Chat Support, Phone Support, etc. also ZaZaChat analytics capabilities include Custom Reports, and Analytics.
"...The application itself is brilliant, lots of features and great connectivity to get users engaged...." Peer review by Industry Analyst / Tech Writer
ZaZaChat, belong to a category of solutions that help Live Chat. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.
Popular Business Setting
for ZaZaChat
Top Industries
- Computer & Network Security
- Accounting
Popular in
- Small Business
ZaZaChat is popular in Computer & Network Security, and Accounting, and is widely used by Small Business,
Comprehensive Insights on ZaZaChat Use Cases
What Are the key features of ZaZaChat for Helpdesk Management?
How can ZaZaChat optimize your Measuring Customer Satisfaction Workflow?
What benefits does ZaZaChat offer for Knowledge Management?
What solutions does ZaZaChat provide for Competitive Intelligence?
How can ZaZaChat optimize your Engagement Management Workflow?
5+ more Business Use Cases
11 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well ZaZaChat solved their Live Chat needs. Cuspera uses 403 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific Live Chat needs.
ZaZaChat Features
- Low
- Medium
- High
Custom Reports | Read Reviews (6) |
Analytics | Read Reviews (5) |
Custom Reports | Read Reviews (6) |
Analytics | Read Reviews (5) |
Software Failure Risk Guidance
?for ZaZaChat
Overall Risk Meter
Top Failure Risks for ZaZaChat
ZaZaChat Feeds
Mastering Live Chat for B2B Marketing Success
Learn how to elevate your B2B marketing game through the power of live chat.
The post Mastering Live Chat for B2B Marketing Success appeared first on Live Chat for Websites.
A Day in the Life of a Live Chat Sales Representative: Daily Operations Unveiled
Step into the fast-paced world of live chat sales as we unveil the daily operations of a live chat sales representative.
The post A Day in the Life of a Live Chat Sales Representative: Daily Operations Unveiled appeared first on Live Chat for Websites.
The Benefits of Live Chat for ISO Certified Companies
Discover how ISO certified companies can leverage live chat to enhance customer communication, improve efficiency, and maintain compliance.
The post The Benefits of Live Chat for ISO Certified Companies appeared first on Live Chat for Websites.
ZaZaChat Profile
Company Name
Company Website Location
Dubai Marina, 27th Floor, Dubai, UAE NA, AE