Overview: Pentaho and Matomo as Digital Analytics Category solutions.

Pentaho stands out with features emphasizing analytics, robust security, and AI-powered capabilities, mainly attracting enterprise and IT sectors. It excels in offering detailed custom reports and integration, making it preferred for competitive intelligence and social media analytics. Matomo, streamlined for campaign management and social media functions, is favored by the marketing and advertising sectors and large enterprises. Its primary channels, like websites and emails, support customer acquisition and engagement effectively.

Pentaho and Matomo: Best Use cases based on the customer satisfaction data

Key Capabilities Supported

Pentaho supports comprehensive activities like competitive intelligence and social media analytics. read more →

Matomo facilitates social media analytics and campaign management efficiently. read more →

Business Goals

Pentaho aids in scaling best practices and enhancing customer relationships. read more →

Matomo focuses on acquiring customers and increasing sales and revenue. read more →

Core Features

Pentaho offers standout features in analytics and customizable reports with strong security. read more →

Matomo provides robust analytics and compliance with streamlined integration. read more →

Vendor Support

Pentaho provides extensive support options including 24/7 and chat support. read more →

Matomo offers essential support like chat and 24/7 options but with fewer resources. read more →

Segments and Industries

Pentaho mainly serves enterprises, large corporations, and the IT industry. read more →

Matomo caters to large enterprises and the marketing and advertising sector. read more →

Operational Alignment

Pentaho aligns well with complex enterprise environments requiring custom reporting. read more →

Matomo is suitable for businesses focused on engagement management and social media. read more →


Applying your context and needs changes the comparison

Failure Risk Guidance?

Low Medium High
Low Medium High

Compliance Risk





Security & Privacy Risk





Integration Risk





Migration Risk





Pentaho in Action: Unique Use Cases

Why is Pentaho the best choice for Competitive Intelligence?

Why is Pentaho the best choice for Funnel Analysis?

What solutions does Pentaho provide for Workflow Management?

What makes Pentaho ideal for Lead Analytics?

Matomo in Action: Unique Use Cases

Why is Matomo the best choice for Engagement Management?

How can Matomo enhance your Campaign Management process?

How efficiently Does Matomo manage your Helpdesk Management?

Business Setting

