Repsly Overview

Repsly's retail execution platform offers solutions for merchandising, field sales, and promotion execution. Field teams can work smarter with Repsly's tools.

Use Cases

Customers recommend Merchandising, Contacts History, Engaging And Following Up, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Repsly.

Other use cases:

  • Account Management
  • Products & Pricelist Management
  • Training & Onboarding
  • Helpdesk Management
  • Communication Management
  • Order Management
  • Collaboration
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Business Priorities

Increase Sales & Revenue and Enhance Customer Relationships are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using Repsly.

Other priorities:

  • Improve Internal Communications
  • Scale Best Practices
  • Launch New Products
  • Improve ROI
  • Build Brand Awareness
  • Improve Brand Engagement
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Repsly Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data

Repsly works with different mediums / channels such as Offline. Mobile. Mobile App etc.

Repsly's features include Dashboard, Recording, Personalization, etc. and Repsly support capabilities include 24/7 Support, Chat Support, Email Support, etc. also Repsly analytics capabilities include Analytics, and Custom Reports.


"...We here at illy love the program, works great for our field merchandisers..." Peer review by Gunnar W., Sr. Director of Retail, Food & Beverages

Repsly, Pepperi B2B commerce, Urva, Maptitude Mapping Software, Espatial Mapping, etc., all belong to a category of solutions that help Field Sales. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Popular Business Setting

for Repsly

Top Industries

  • Food & Beverages
  • Retail
  • Marketing and Advertising

Popular in

  • Small Business
  • Mid Market
  • Enterprise

Repsly is popular in Food & Beverages, Retail, and Marketing And Advertising and is widely used by Small Business, Mid Market, and Enterprise.

Comprehensive Insights on Repsly Use Cases

What benefits does Repsly offer for Merchandising?

How can Repsly optimize your Contacts History Workflow?

What solutions does Repsly provide for Engaging And Following Up?

How can Repsly optimize your Account Management Workflow?

What Are the key features of Repsly for Products & Pricelist Management?

31+ more Business Use Cases

25 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Repsly solved their Field Sales needs. Cuspera uses 1079 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific Field Sales needs.

Case Studies

Repsly case study
Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods
CASE STUDY Nutrabolt

Nutrabolt achieved $650 million in retail sales in 2020, tripled its sales team, and enhanced team collaboration and recognition using Repsly's data-driven insights.

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What's New in Repsly - May '21

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

for Repsly

What is Repsly?

Repsly is a Retail Execution software that empowers CPG teams to make data-driven insights and achieve peak performance in the field. It is used in fields like food & beverages, retail services and consumer products. It helps to improve internal communication and increase sales & revenue.

Repsly mobile apps equip the teams with real-time data and tools to take the right action in the right store at the right time to have the biggest impact on their brand. It organizes all sales activities from the field, making it easier to report on and improve the team's performance.

Repsly’s Agile Retail Intelligence helps to understand the team's impact on sales and optimize strategy to have a great impact in the field. It deploys the team to take the best actions in the field, and track execution from anywhere. It also, empowers the team to achieve peak performance in every account with the Repsly mobile app.

What is Repsly used for?

Repsly is a Field Sales Software mainly used by its customers to Increase Sales & Revenue and Enhance Customer Relationships by Merchandising, Contacts History and Engaging And Following Up .

What are the top features of Repsly?

Dashboard, Recording and Personalization are some of the top features of Repsly.

Who uses Repsly?

Repsly is used by Food & Beverages, Retail and Marketing And Advertising among other industries.

What are Repsly alternatives?

Pepperi B2B Commerce, Urva, Maptitude Mapping Software and Espatial Mapping are popular alternatives for Repsly.

Where is Repsly located?

Repsly is headquartered at 77 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02110.

Peers used Repsly for merchandising and contacts history

Repsly Features

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

4.19/5 ★

Read Reviews (34)
Custom Reports

4.05/5 ★

Read Reviews (235)

4.19/5 ★

Read Reviews (34)
Custom Reports

4.05/5 ★

Read Reviews (235)

Software Failure Risk Guidance


for Repsly

Overall Risk Meter

Low Medium High

Top Failure Risks for Repsly

Repsly, Inc. Profile

Company Name

Repsly, Inc.

Company Website


Year Founded


HQ Location

77 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02110



