Comparison Summary

UserTesting: UserTesting provides a platform for gathering customer feedback to enhance UI, UX, design, and CX. Businesses can improve digital experiences and drive innovation using these insights.

SmartSurvey: SmartSurvey offers an advanced, user-friendly online survey tool for creating and distributing surveys. Results can be analyzed graphically by a UK-based team.

logo UserTesting

Focus area

UserTesting is better than SmartSurvey for

Software Failure Risk

  • medium

logo SmartSurvey

Focus area

SmartSurvey is better than UserTesting for

Software Failure Risk

  • low

UserTesting and SmartSurvey: Customer Satisfaction Data

Most deployed common Use Cases for UserTesting and SmartSurvey

How does UserTesting and SmartSurvey facilitate Engaging Conversational Surveys?

UserTesting and Smartsurvey are both platforms designed to gather feedback from users. UserTesting focuses on understanding how users interact with products and websites, providing direct, personal insights. Smartsurvey specializes in creating engaging surveys that can be distributed through various channels. UserTesting focuses on user experience and interaction, while Smartsurvey emphasizes reaching a wide audience through diverse distribution methods. Both tools have limitations, such as UserTesting's cost and Smartsurvey's lack of automated data extraction scheduling.
"...It fits well into an iterative design cadence...." Peer review by Jamie V
"...The functionality and features provided by the SmartSurvey platform have enabled us to create some really engaging surveys, with the training we’ve received from the SmartSurvey team helping us to maximise the value we can obtain through the platform...." Testimonial by David Cooke, Head of corporate internal communications, Home Office

What Are the key features of UserTesting and SmartSurvey for Collecting Feedback?

UserTesting in Action: Unique Use Cases

How does UserTesting address your Digital Marketing Challenges?

What solutions does UserTesting provide for Product Marketing?

How efficiently Does UserTesting manage your Automated Workflows?

SmartSurvey in Action: Unique Use Cases

Why is SmartSurvey the best choice for Social Media Management?

What solutions does SmartSurvey provide for Communication Management?

How efficiently Does SmartSurvey manage your Market Research?


Feedback tool for real-time feedback from real customers

Feedback Management Tool to create online surveys and forms




Failure Risk Guidance Security Report?

Low Medium High
Low Medium High

Compliance Risk





Security & Privacy Risk





Integration Risk





Migration Risk





Business Setting