Event Espresso Overview

Event Espresso is a leading WordPress event registration plugin offering ticketing with online payments, calendars, multiple pricing options, and customizable registration forms. It enhances customer relationships and increases event success and revenue.

Use Cases

Customers recommend Event Management, Helpdesk Management, Contract Management, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Event Espresso.

Other use cases:

  • Sending & Publishing Communications
  • Promotion Management
  • Engaging And Following Up
  • Scheduling Post To Social Media
  • Lead Engagement
  • Workflow Management
  • Contact List Management
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Business Priorities

Increase Sales & Revenue and Acquire Customers are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using Event Espresso.

Event Espresso Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data

Event Espresso works with different mediums / channels such as E-Mail. and Website.

Event Espresso's features include Ticketing, Widgets, Templates, etc. and Event Espresso support capabilities include Chat Support, Email Support, Phone Support, etc. also Event Espresso analytics capabilities include Custom Reports, and Analytics.


"...Event Espresso headquartered in Utah offers an event registration and management platform supplying automated help for ticketing and ticket purchases, registration forms and pricing, promotions and correspondences (e.g. email), multiple attendee registration, and other features...." Peer review

Event Espresso, Planning Pod Event Management Software, Coconut Tickets, EventUp Planner, Configio, etc., all belong to a category of solutions that help Event Management. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Popular Business Setting

for Event Espresso

Top Industries

  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Religious Institutions
  • Entertainment

Popular in

  • Small Business
  • Enterprise

Event Espresso is popular in Marketing And Advertising, Religious Institutions, and Entertainment and is widely used by Small Business, and Enterprise,

Comprehensive Insights on Event Espresso Use Cases

How can Event Espresso optimize your Event Management Workflow?

How can Event Espresso enhance your Helpdesk Management process?

What benefits does Event Espresso offer for Contract Management?

How can Event Espresso optimize your Sending & Publishing Communications Workflow?

What Are the key features of Event Espresso for Promotion Management?

19+ more Business Use Cases

11 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Event Espresso solved their Event Management needs. Cuspera uses 1823 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific Event Management needs.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

for Event Espresso

What is Event Espresso?

Event Espresso is a WordPress event registration plugin for ticketing with online payments, calendar, multiple pricing options, registration forms, help, and more. It helps to enhance customer relationships and increase sales and revenue.

Event Espresso empowers business and organization leaders with the event registration and ticketing management tools that maximize the success of the events. It’s a leading event registration and ticketing provider, and model of profitability offering the customers autonomy and value.

Event Espresso features include easy event management and ticketing plugin, easily collect all the data you need with a custom event registration form on your event registration website, sell different event registrations, and multiple tickets types, register multiple attendees through group registrations and collect information for each attendee and many more.

What is Event Espresso used for?

Event Espresso is a Event Management Software mainly used by its customers to Increase Sales & Revenue and Acquire Customers by Event Management, Helpdesk Management and Contract Management .

What are the top features of Event Espresso?

Ticketing, Widgets and Templates are some of the top features of Event Espresso.

Who uses Event Espresso?

Event Espresso is used by Marketing And Advertising, Religious Institutions and Entertainment among other industries.

What are Event Espresso alternatives?

Planning Pod Event Management Software, Coconut Tickets, EventUp Planner and Configio are popular alternatives for Event Espresso.

Where is Event Espresso located?

Event Espresso is headquartered at P.O. Box 681, 84780 Washington, Utah.

Peers used Event Espresso for event management and helpdesk management

Event Espresso Features

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Custom Reports


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Custom Reports


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for Event Espresso

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Event Espresso, LLC Feeds

Gala Fundraiser: 12 Essential Steps for Success

Planning a gala fundraiser can be both thrilling and daunting. Picture an evening with elegantly dressed guests, captivating entertainment, and a vibrant atmosphere supporting your cause. Gala fundraisers are crucial—they’re not just social events but key opportunities to raise awareness, foster community connections, and boost fundraising efforts. But let’s face it– organizing successful gala events...

20/06/2024 - source

Event Espresso, LLC Profile

Company Name

Event Espresso, LLC

Company Website


Year Founded


HQ Location

P.O. Box 681, 84780 Washington, Utah



