Pike13 Client Management Overview

Pike13 offers an all-in-one solution for scheduling, billing, and payroll. Mobile client management and reporting are also provided.

Use Cases

Customers recommend Helpdesk Management, Engaging And Following Up, Coaching, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Pike13 Client Management.

Other use cases:

  • Social Media Analytics
  • Membership Management
  • Sending & Publishing Communications
  • Payment Management
  • Discount Management
  • Promotion Management
  • Contract Management
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Business Priorities

Acquire Customers and Enhance Customer Relationships are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using Pike13 Client Management.

Other priorities:

  • Improve Internal Communications
  • Increase Sales & Revenue
  • Scale Best Practices
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Pike13 Client Management Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data

Pike13 Client Management works with different mediums / channels such as E-Mail. Phone Calls. Offline etc.

Pike13 Client Management's features include Personalization, Alerts: Popups & Notifications, Dashboard, etc. and Pike13 Client Management support capabilities include Email Support, 24/7 Support, Chat Support, etc. also Pike13 Client Management analytics capabilities include Analytics, and Custom Reports.


"...We have hundreds of clients who are scheduling several hundred lessons a week in three locations with over 20 coaches...." Peer review by Casey B., swim coach, Sports

Pike13 Client Management, ClearView, Keap CRM, EngageBay Marketing, HoneyBook, etc., all belong to a category of solutions that help CRM All-in-One. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Popular Business Setting

for Pike13 Client Management

Top Industries

  • Education
  • Health, Wellness and Fitness
  • Sports

Popular in

  • Small Business
  • Mid Market
  • Enterprise

Pike13 Client Management is popular in Education, Health, Wellness And Fitness, and Sports and is widely used by Small Business, Mid Market, and Enterprise.

Comprehensive Insights on Pike13 Client Management Use Cases

What solutions does Pike13 Client Management provide for Helpdesk Management?

What solutions does Pike13 Client Management provide for Engaging And Following Up?

How efficiently Does Pike13 Client Management manage your Coaching?

Why is Pike13 Client Management the best choice for Social Media Analytics?

How does Pike13 Client Management facilitate Membership Management?

26+ more Business Use Cases

11 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Pike13 Client Management solved their CRM All-in-One needs. Cuspera uses 1213 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific CRM All-in-One needs.

Case Studies

Pike13 Client Management case study
Case Study Colorado Soccer Buddies

Increased Revenue By 20% And Reduced Administrative Tasks By 50%

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Pike13 Client Management case study
Case Study School of Rock

Streamlined Their Operations And Reduced Administrative Time By 30% Using Pike13.

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Pike13 Client Management case study
Case Study Philly Dog School

Increased Operational Efficiency By 30% And Improved Client Satisfaction With Automated Scheduling And Billing Systems.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

for Pike13 Client Management

What is Pike13 Client Management?

Pike13 is a Client Management software solution for scheduling, attendance, billing, payroll, reporting & more. It helps to acquire and enhance customer relationships. It is widely used in sports and fitness industry where there is a need to manage client subcriptions.

Its a leading provider of mobile business management software. It helps businesses that offer recurring services and simplify administration.

Pike13 makes engaging with clients easier with client management software that stores information and automates communications. It provides information about delinquent accounts, revenue collection, new clients total and more to take actions if needed and clients are assured that their information is up-to-date with the ability to manage their profiles.

What is Pike13 Client Management used for?

Pike13 Client Management is a CRM All-in-One Software mainly used by its customers to Acquire Customers and Enhance Customer Relationships by Helpdesk Management, Engaging And Following Up and Coaching .

What are the top features of Pike13 Client Management?

Personalization, Alerts: popups & Notifications and Dashboard are some of the top features of Pike13 Client Management.

Who uses Pike13 Client Management?

Pike13 Client Management is used by Education, Health, Wellness And Fitness and Sports among other industries.

What are Pike13 Client Management alternatives?

ClearView, Keap CRM, EngageBay Marketing and HoneyBook are popular alternatives for Pike13 Client Management.

Where is Pike13 Client Management located?

Pike13 Client Management is headquartered at 1221 E Pike Street Suite 200, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98122, US.

Peers used Pike13 Client Management for helpdesk management and engaging and following up

Pike13 Client Management Features

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

4.81/5 ★

Read Reviews (60)
Custom Reports

2.87/5 ★

Read Reviews (236)

4.81/5 ★

Read Reviews (60)
Custom Reports

2.87/5 ★

Read Reviews (236)

Software Failure Risk Guidance


for Pike13 Client Management

Overall Risk Meter

Low Medium High

Top Failure Risks for Pike13 Client Management

Pike13, Inc. Profile

Company Name

Pike13, Inc.

Company Website


HQ Location

1221 E Pike Street Suite 200, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98122, US



