Preferred Patron Overview
Preferred Patron offers five-star rated loyalty programs for businesses. Customer loyalty programs are provided by Loyalty Company.
Use Cases
Customers recommend Loyalty Management, Helpdesk Management, Engagement Management, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Preferred Patron.
Business Priorities
Enhance Customer Relationships and Acquire Customers are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using Preferred Patron.
Preferred Patron Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data
Preferred Patron works with different mediums / channels such as E-Mail. Phone Calls. Promotions etc.
Preferred Patron's features include Rewards, Gamification, and Personalization. and Preferred Patron support capabilities include Email Support, Chat Support, 24/7 Support, etc. also Preferred Patron analytics capabilities include Custom Reports, and Analytics.
"...Customers are fully satisfied and i love using it!. User Friendly, Professional, Customisable, Affordable, Reliable, Multi Functional, plenty of marketing campaigns to choose from, capability to suit your business needs as well as your customers, and so much more!..." Peer review by Jeanie Naja
Preferred Patron, RepeatRewards, Fivestars, Loopy Loyalty, Loyalzoo, etc., all belong to a category of solutions that help Customer Loyalty Management. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.
Popular Business Setting
for Preferred Patron
Top Industries
- Retail
- Food & Beverages
- Medical Practice
Popular in
- Small Business
- Mid Market
Preferred Patron is popular in Retail, Food & Beverages, and Medical Practice and is widely used by Small Business, and Mid Market,
Comprehensive Insights on Preferred Patron Use Cases
What makes Preferred Patron ideal for Loyalty Management?
How efficiently Does Preferred Patron manage your Helpdesk Management?
Why is Preferred Patron the best choice for Engagement Management?
What makes Preferred Patron ideal for Campaign Management?
What Are the key features of Preferred Patron for Advertisement?
26+ more Business Use Cases
62 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Preferred Patron solved their Customer Loyalty Management needs. Cuspera uses 1136 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific Customer Loyalty Management needs.
VEND Loyalty Preferred Patron Overview

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
for Preferred Patron
What is Preferred Patron?
Preferred Patron is a customer loyalty management solution designed for companies of all sizes that offers incentive promotions, visitor loyalty management, multi-channel marketing and gift card management functionalities within a suite. Preferred Patron currently helps businesses across the retail, automotive, healthcare, gaming, hospitality, cosmetics, salon and spa, health and fitness, golf resort and country club, and café and pub industries to increase their customer engagement and retention.
Preferred Patron captures all the necessary customer data including demographic data, purchase behaviors, and customer communications to help create loyalty-centric business rules. An integrated marketing management tool manages and coordinates event-triggered offer emails on a real-time basis. Preferred Patron provides various incentive-based programs such as appreciation, coupons, recognition, referral, miss you, cash back, and more.
Preferred Patron features an incentive promotions module that enables users to manage different types of promotions such as cash backs, appreciations, recognitions, referrals and mystery awards. In addition to this, users can also roll out a tablet-based visitor engagement solution where they can incentivize customers visiting their stores. Preferred Patron features multi-channel marketing, which allows users to design and send customized loyalty campaigns through multiple channels including email, SMS messages and social media.
What is Preferred Patron used for?
What are the top features of Preferred Patron?
Who uses Preferred Patron?
What are Preferred Patron alternatives?
Where is Preferred Patron located?
Preferred Patron Competitors
Preferred Patron Features
- Low
- Medium
- High
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AI Powered | Read Reviews (1) |
Custom Reports | Read Reviews (56) |
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?for Preferred Patron
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Preferred Patron Loyalty, LLC Profile
Company Name
Preferred Patron Loyalty, LLC
Company Website Founded
HQ Location
3 Canale Dr, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234, US