Less Annoying CRM Overview

Less Annoying CRM is used by thousands of small businesses for contact management, lead tracking, and follow-ups. It offers a simple solution to stay organized.

Use Cases

Customers recommend Engagement Management, Contact List Management, Lead Tracking, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Less Annoying CRM.

Other use cases:

  • Helpdesk Management
  • Communication Management
  • Contract Management
  • Lead Management
  • Workflow Management
  • Advertisement
  • Proposal & Quote Management
See all use cases See less use cases

Business Priorities

Acquire Customers and Enhance Customer Relationships are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using Less Annoying CRM.

Other priorities:

  • Increase Sales & Revenue
  • Scale Best Practices
  • Improve Internal Communications
  • Launch New Products
  • Increase Customer Life Time Value
See all business priorities See less business priorities

Less Annoying CRM Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data

Less Annoying CRM works with different mediums / channels such as E-Mail. and Phone Calls.

Less Annoying CRM's features include Personalization, Recording, Alerts: Popups & Notifications, etc. and Less Annoying CRM support capabilities include Chat Support, 24/7 Support, Email Support, etc. also Less Annoying CRM analytics capabilities include Custom Reports, and Analytics.


"Any sales team can figure this one out without lengthy training. Pipelines can be built within minutes." - Mike Barclay

Less Annoying CRM, Prophet CRM, Copper, GoldMine Premium CRM, Bigcontacts CRM, etc., all belong to a category of solutions that help CRM. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Popular Business Setting

for Less Annoying CRM

Top Industries

  • Management Consulting
  • Insurance
  • Marketing and Advertising

Popular in

  • Small Business
  • Mid Market
  • Enterprise

Less Annoying CRM is popular in Management Consulting, Insurance, and Marketing And Advertising and is widely used by Small Business, Mid Market, and Enterprise.

Comprehensive Insights on Less Annoying CRM Use Cases

What Are the key features of Less Annoying CRM for Engagement Management?

How does Less Annoying CRM facilitate Contact List Management?

What solutions does Less Annoying CRM provide for Lead Tracking?

How can Less Annoying CRM enhance your Helpdesk Management process?

What solutions does Less Annoying CRM provide for Communication Management?

52+ more Business Use Cases

20 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Less Annoying CRM solved their CRM needs. Cuspera uses 3558 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific CRM needs.

Customer Testimonials

Less Annoying CRM testimonial

Mike Barclay


Any sales team can figure this one out without lengthy training. Pipelines can be built within minutes. Testimonial By Mike Barclay
Less Annoying CRM testimonial

William Hammett

Hammett Marketing Group LLC

For the first time, I have a CRM that I completely understand and can navigate. Testimonial By William Hammett
Less Annoying CRM testimonial

Jim Urban

Gleam Guard Cabinet Refinishing

What a relief, finally a CRM simple enough for my needs. Testimonial By Jim Urban
Less Annoying CRM testimonial

Mike Barclay


Any sales team can figure this one out without lengthy training. Pipelines can be built within minutes. Testimonial By Mike Barclay
Less Annoying CRM testimonial

William Hammett

Hammett Marketing Group LLC

For the first time, I have a CRM that I completely understand and can navigate. Testimonial By William Hammett
Less Annoying CRM testimonial

Jim Urban

Gleam Guard Cabinet Refinishing

What a relief, finally a CRM simple enough for my needs. Testimonial By Jim Urban


Welcome to Less Annoying CRM!

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

for Less Annoying CRM

What is Less Annoying CRM?

Less annoying is a CRM tool designed for small businesses to help manage contacts, track leads, and follow-ups.

The platform helps in contact management by offering a single screen to access notes, files, tasks, events, and pipeline information related to the contact. Other features include team’s event and task calendar management, leads & pipelines report, multiple user collaboration through restricted and customized access rights, easy customization, email logging, Daily agenda emails, one-click export and data backup.

The platform is hosted on cloud, making it easy to access information from any device without syncing or installing. Also, it automatically installs updates.

What is Less Annoying CRM used for?

Less Annoying CRM is a CRM Software mainly used by its customers to Acquire Customers and Enhance Customer Relationships by Engagement Management, Contact List Management and Lead Tracking .

What are the top features of Less Annoying CRM?

Personalization, Recording and Alerts: popups & Notifications are some of the top features of Less Annoying CRM.

Who uses Less Annoying CRM?

Less Annoying CRM is used by Management Consulting, Insurance and Marketing And Advertising among other industries.

What are Less Annoying CRM alternatives?

Prophet CRM, Copper, GoldMine Premium CRM and Bigcontacts CRM are popular alternatives for Less Annoying CRM.

Where is Less Annoying CRM located?

Less Annoying CRM is headquartered at 1017 Olive St. #300 St. Louis, MO 63101.

Peers used Less Annoying CRM for engagement management and contact list management

Less Annoying CRM Features

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
AI Powered

4.34/5 ★

Read Reviews (4)
Custom Reports

3.83/5 ★

Read Reviews (281)

3.55/5 ★

Read Reviews (17)
AI Powered

4.34/5 ★

Read Reviews (4)
Custom Reports

3.83/5 ★

Read Reviews (281)

3.55/5 ★

Read Reviews (17)

Software Failure Risk Guidance


for Less Annoying CRM

Overall Risk Meter

Low Medium High

Top Failure Risks for Less Annoying CRM

Less Annoying Software, LLC Profile

Company Name

Less Annoying Software, LLC

Year Founded


HQ Location

1017 Olive St. #300 St. Louis, MO 63101



