Toluna Start Overview

Toluna-start offers real-time market research and consumer insights through automated solutions. Study design, integrated survey respondents, and reporting dashboards are included.

Use Cases

Customers recommend Engaging Conversational Surveys, Collecting Feedback, Social Media Analytics, as the business use cases that they have been most satisfied with while using Toluna Start.

Other use cases:

  • Market Research
  • Advertisement
  • Content Sharing
  • Collaboration
  • Helpdesk Management
  • Funnel Analysis
  • Product Marketing
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Business Priorities

Build Brand Awareness and Improve Customer Satisfaction are the most popular business priorities that customers and associates have achieved using Toluna Start.

Other priorities:

  • Grow Market Share
  • Acquire Customers
  • Enter New Markets Internationally Or Locally
  • Improve Product Experience
  • Establish Thought Leadership
  • Improve Efficiency
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Toluna Start Use-Cases and Business Priorities: Customer Satisfaction Data

Toluna Start works with different mediums / channels such as Social Media.

Toluna Start's features include Embedded Survey Forms, Dashboard, Survey Themes Library, etc. and Toluna Start support capabilities include 24/7 Support, Chat Support, Email Support, etc. also Toluna Start analytics capabilities include Analytics, and Custom Reports.


"At Peroni, we are delighted to be a partner of Toluna. We love their constant support as well as their digital platforms. Especially Toluna's platform, which provides on-demand access to our target audience via an easy-to-use, real-time survey platf...orm." - Peroni

Toluna Start, Alida, SurveyLegend, Cvent online survey, indeemo, etc., all belong to a category of solutions that help Customer Feedback Management. Each of them excels in different abilities. Therefore, determining the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Popular Business Setting

for Toluna Start

Top Industries

  • Marketing, Design and Media
  • Technology
  • Consumer
  • Consulting & Business Services
  • Manufacturing and Industries
  • others

Popular in

  • Mid Market
  • Small Business
  • Large Enterprise

Toluna Start is popular in Marketing And Advertising, Computer Software, and Consumer Goods and is widely used by Mid Market, Small Business, and Large Enterprise.

Comprehensive Insights on Toluna Start Use Cases

How efficiently Does Toluna Start manage your Engaging Conversational Surveys?

What solutions does Toluna Start provide for Collecting Feedback?

What makes Toluna Start ideal for Social Media Analytics?

How can Toluna Start optimize your Market Research Workflow?

34+ more Business Use Cases

44 buyers and buying teams have used Cuspera to assess how well Toluna Start solved their Customer Feedback Management needs. Cuspera uses 943 insights from these buyers along with peer reviews, customer case studies, testimonials, expert blogs and vendor provided installation data to help you assess the fit for your specific Customer Feedback Management needs.

Customer Testimonials

Toluna Start testimonial


At Peroni, we are delighted to be a partner of Toluna. We love their constant support as well as their digital platforms. Especially Toluna's platform, which provides on-demand access to our target audience via an easy-to-use, real-time survey platform. Testimonial By Peroni
Toluna Start testimonial

Brownie Brittle

With Toluna, we can go out and set up a research program and have it built, executed, and have the insights in an hour and a half. Testimonial By Brownie Brittle
Toluna Start testimonial


Partnering with Toluna has helped us to gain quickly, deeper and more actionable, people-centric insights on behavior and buying preferences. This capability is helping us make more informed decisions across our brands in multiple countries and categories. Testimonial By Colgate-Palmolive
Toluna Start testimonial


At Peroni, we are delighted to be a partner of Toluna. We love their constant support as well as their digital platforms. Especially Toluna's platform, which provides on-demand access to our target audience via an easy-to-use, real-time survey platform. Testimonial By Peroni
Toluna Start testimonial

Brownie Brittle

With Toluna, we can go out and set up a research program and have it built, executed, and have the insights in an hour and a half. Testimonial By Brownie Brittle
Toluna Start testimonial


Partnering with Toluna has helped us to gain quickly, deeper and more actionable, people-centric insights on behavior and buying preferences. This capability is helping us make more informed decisions across our brands in multiple countries and categories. Testimonial By Colgate-Palmolive

Case Studies

Toluna Start case study
Case Study Sony

When launching a new product, Sony needed to ensure that post-launch, the company could understand customer use, and address any pain points encountered.

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Toluna Start case study
Case Study Royal Mail

Royal Mail approached Marketing Communications agency, Brass, to develop a new way to interact with customers. An online community was created to access direct customer feedback.

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Toluna Start case study
Case Study VOSS

VOSS needed to gather feedback on taste preference and product viability on new product flavors. Real-time insights allowed them to launch new flavors with confidence.

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Toluna Global Panel Community

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

for Toluna Start

What is Toluna Start?

Toluna Start is a consumer intelligence platform that provides access to a wide range of automated insights solutions covering survey design, integrated survey respondents and reporting dashboards including insights and recommendations.

It creates surveys, identifies the audience, launches surveys and analyzes results. It helps global brands solve the challenges of rigid, slow and complex traditional research platforms. With a single login, insight professionals can perform quantitative and qualitative research either through self-service solutions or through custom research programs built with the help of research and service experts.

Some of its features include quantitative and qualitative in a single platform, advanced templated, yet customizable methodologies, actionable, real-time reporting and interactive dashboards, real-time insights from a global panel of 30+ million, and more.

What is Toluna Start used for?

Toluna Start is a Customer Feedback Management Software mainly used by its customers to Build Brand Awareness and Improve Customer Satisfaction by Engaging Conversational Surveys, Collecting Feedback and Social Media Analytics .

What are the top features of Toluna Start?

Embedded survey forms, Dashboard and Survey themes library are some of the top features of Toluna Start.

Who uses Toluna Start?

Toluna Start is used by Marketing And Advertising, Computer Software and Consumer Goods among other industries.

What are Toluna Start alternatives?

Alida, SurveyLegend, Cvent Online Survey and Indeemo are popular alternatives for Toluna Start.

Where is Toluna Start located?

Toluna Start is headquartered at Toluna SAS 5 avenue du Château, Vincennes, 94300 France.

Peers used Toluna Start for Engaging conversational surveys and Collecting feedback

Toluna Start Features

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High


Read Reviews (130)
Custom Reports


Read Reviews (163)


Read Reviews (130)
Custom Reports


Read Reviews (163)

Software Failure Risk Guidance


for Toluna Start

Overall Risk Meter

Low Medium High

Top Failure Risks for Toluna Start

Compliance Risk

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Security & Privacy Risk

No Data

Integration Risk

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Migration Risk

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Toluna, Inc. News

Toluna recognized in GRIT’s Top 50 most innovative suppliers of 2024

Toluna is recognized among GRIT's Top 50 most innovative suppliers in 2024 for its consumer insights platform.

10/11/2024 - source

Toluna Unveils QProbe: A Revolutionary AI-Powered Tool Introducing Conversational Research to Enhance Open-Ended Survey Responses - Business Wire

Toluna has launched QProbe, an AI tool for better conversational research in surveys.

30/09/2024 - source

Toluna Launches HarmonAIze: Transforming Market Research with Advanced Synthetic Data Solutions - Business Wire

Toluna unveils HarmonAIze, a new solution utilizing synthetic data to enhance market research capabilities.

18/09/2024 - source

Toluna, Inc. Feeds

Toluna Announces the Sale of Precision Sample to ACKWEST Group | Business Wire

Toluna sold Precision Sample to ACKWEST Group to focus on enterprise growth and enhance its data solutions.

03/02/2025 - source

Navigating the Future of Insights: Leadership and AI Innovations at the Heart of Industry Transformation

At the end of March, I hosted Toluna’s latest Insight Leader’s Lunch in London, where senior leaders from our MR & Consulting team were joined by 14 C-Level executives from the UK’s top insight firms. We host these events quarterly and they are built on the premise that leaders of insight firms have many shared […]

The post Navigating the Future of Insights: Leadership and AI Innovations at the Heart of Industry Transformation appeared first on Toluna.

08/05/2024 - source

Embracing the Unknown: AI and Market Research

Sometimes when we sit down for our morning coffee, scrolling through the news on our phones, courtesy of an algorithm that seems to know us better than we know ourselves, we get struck by a sense of wonder.

The world around us is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of this transformation. It used to be about increasingly smarter phones, notifications, and home assistants, but lately, there has been a fundamental shift in how we can interact with language, technology, and maybe even the world around us.

The post Embracing the Unknown: AI and Market Research appeared first on Toluna.

27/03/2024 - source

Toluna, Inc. Profile

Company Name

Toluna, Inc.

HQ Location

Toluna SAS 5 avenue du Château, Vincennes, 94300 France



